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WY holding company MA LLC for real estate investment


I will establish a holding company (LLC) in WY, and it will have an LLC in MA for real estate investments in MA. how much money do I need to budget for establishing these two LLCs? How much money do need to spend to maintain them?


Wyoming LLC:

Formation Fee: Wyoming typically has low formation fees. It could range from $50 to $100.

Annual Report Fee: Wyoming has an annual report requirement, and the fee is usually around $50.



Massachusetts LLC:

Formation Fee: Massachusetts generally has higher formation fees. It could range from $500 to $750.

Annual Report Fee: Massachusetts also has an annual report requirement, and the fee is around $500.



Registered Agent Fee:

Both states require a registered agent. The cost varies but is usually around $50 to $300 per year per LLC.



Other Costs:

You might incur additional costs for legal services, especially if you seek professional assistance in the formation process.

